Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a rev...
Congenital disorders, also known as birth defect...
Morphogenesis and maintenance of dendrites, the ...
Topic: 1. A critical role of epigenetic changes...
國立臺灣大學生命科學院國際學術交流中心與 BioGroup 生技人才交流平台共同舉辦學術專題&海...
DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are most lethal ...
要對抗抗生素的耐藥性,吾人需要及時地改善藥物的療效。透過此研究,我將介紹一種改良已知 抗菌肽 (...
完整標題為:Hepatic Ly6C+ monocyte recruitment via CCL...
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Kidney Pericyt...
In the past 15 years, my research focus was on m...
During tumuriogenesis the cancer cells acquire s...
Biologically Inspired Nanoparticles for Therapeu...
Discovery of a novel tryptophan metabolite as an...
Cell signaling is important for many physiologic...
Unraveling the Mystery of Phosphaturic Mesenchym...
Epigenetic level of gene activity regulation is ...
It has become increasingly clear that the transc...
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most comm...
The Central Dogma of biology is constantly being...
Leukemia is a special topic of study. The disco...
Genetics is now an important cause of childhood ...
Next Generation Sequencing Based Genetic Testing...