The forum will be centered on ‘Entrepreneurship in Higher Education’. Mr. David Law, Director for Global Academic and Startup Programs at the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, University of California, Berkeley, will give a keynote speech and share the successful experiences in developing entrepreneurship education programs at UC Berkeley.
Four panelists are invited to share how they implement entrepreneurship education, and the opportunities and challenges faced by higher education institutions:
(1) Professor Jessy Shih-Chung Kang, CEO & Founder, Jubo Health Technologies; (2) Professor Ming-Long Yeh, Director, IHQ Startup Accelerator, National Cheng Kung University; (3) Professor Shih-Torng Ding, Executive Vice President, National Taiwan University; and (4) Professor Feng-Cheng Chang, Deputy Director, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program, National Taiwan University.